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该死的宝藏 The Devil's Treasure

现在, 孙凡奇是白俄罗斯国立大学无线电物理与计算机系(专业-航空航天,无线电电子,计算机系统和计算机技术)的大四学生。除了自己专业的科目外,他还在学习白俄罗斯语。用他的话说:“白俄罗斯语有着自己的美丽和特点。”而且他懂英语,从事翻译工作,爱好打乒乓球和弹吉他。为什么弗拉基米尔·科罗特克维奇的创作那么吸引他?


“星星出版社的主编亚历山大·卡尔柳克维奇 (Ales Karliukevich)向我介绍了这位白俄罗斯作家。他建议我翻译弗拉基米尔·科罗特克维奇的作品。我读了他的作品,非常喜欢。我还计划翻译《斯塔克国王的狩猎》。”












他非常喜欢扬卡房子。不是出于愤怒,而是出于恶作剧。正是这种恶作剧让扬卡非常沮丧。当然!就像你有时会做坏事,这么做不是出于恶意,不是吗? 嗯,父母会哭着对你说:“糟透了!”
















耍熊人问:“你好扬卡! 能让我和熊在家过夜吗?”




















早上,人们都醒了,以为熊把萝卜吃了。 他们对熊不怕热烤箱而感到惊讶,并对它没有把萝卜吃完感到高兴。熊不是第一个,也不会是最后一个为别人的罪背黑锅的了。















魔鬼说: “有爪子,有爪子,我不需要那些爪子。”




“啊。我把金子埋在你的炉子里了。宝藏,我本应该把它挖出来的,但我怎么能忘记你的猫呢? 让它消失好吧?”













Sun Fanqi was born in the Chinese city of Dalian (Liaoning province). In his homeland he completed 9-grade school education, after which he came to Minsk together with his mother, a university teacher. Then Sun Fanqi was 15 years old. He studied in the capital's gymnasium, then entered Belarusian State University.

Now Sun Fanzi is a 4th year student of the Faculty of Radiophysics and Computer Technologies (specialization in aerospace, radioelectronic and computer systems and technologies). In addition to his studies the boy is learning the Belarusian language. According to him, "it is similar to the Russian language and has its own beauty and peculiarity”. He also knows English and does translations, plays table tennis and  the guitar. What attracted him to the work of Vladimir Korotkevich?

- He is an excellent writer of the USSR. His famous works such as "The Wild Hunt of King Stakh" and "The Black Castle of Olshansky" were made into films. I was introduced to this Belarusian writer by Ales Karlyukevich , director and chief editor of the publishing house Zviazda. He recommended me to translate the works by Vladimir Korotkevich. I read them and liked them. I’m also planning to translate "The Wild Hunt of King Stakh".

Sun Fanqi speaks about the Belarusian land with no less admiration:

- The nature here is very beautiful. There is a lot of snow in winter and everything blooms in summer. It is a pity that it is short. I really appreciate this time. Especially when there are kebabs and pickled cucumbers.

The Devil's Treasure

Vladimir Korotkevich

 In some beautiful land, a little closer than the Sun and a little further than the Moon, a land rich in golden fields, clear rivers, blue lakes and dark forests... In short, in the land where you and I live, there was, and maybe there is now, a house.

 And a peasant named Yanka lived in this house. He was as healthy as a bison, kind and not very wise. He had fifty sons, forty oxen and a cat. Well, maybe not fifty sons, but three, not forty oxen, but two. But he had a cat, you can believe me. It was motley. With four paws. With one tail.

 Yanka ploughed the land, grazed cows and clouds. And he would have lived very well if trouble hadn't fallen on his shoulders.

 It was a long time ago. It was so long ag that there were still devils in Belarus. And each of those devils had his own place of work.

 One lived in water, grazing pikes, line and perch. It was green and shaggy and looked like a bog’s clump. It was called Vodyanoy.

 The second lived in the forest, grazing deer and looked like a mossy stump. If you meet one, you can't tell the difference. He was called Leshy.

But there was also a third who lived at home and herded crickets. He was the most harmful. He had horns like a goat, teeth like garlic and a tail like a broom.

 And he took fancy to Yanka’s house. And not out of spite, he was just a prankster. But his pranks made Yanka want to cry. You bet! You also play tricks not out of anger, don’t you? Well, sometimes it makes your parents cry. Too bad!

There was no peace in the house. He would braid the horses’ mane so that it’s impossible to comb it later, but everyone blamed the sons. He would lick cream off milk, but they rebuked poor cats. Sometimes in winter he would howl in the chimney so scary that a cold shiver ran down the spine and the family were afraid to go out. Or he would climb up the chimney, slide down and dump soot into the cabbage soup.

It happened that in the morning a pie was taken out of the oven and, to everyone’s surprise, there was a small imprint on it. The devil had sat down on hot dough to rest and warm himself. There was no peace at all. Yanka would go to hayloft to sleep, even when it was cold. Almost froze poor children. And finally, because of these damn pranks, he decided to board up the house and leave it with children, horses, oxen and cats for somewhere in the world. He left his homeland, dark forests, clear rivers and waters. And there would have been a peasant's house less in Belarus if they had not heard  heavy steps on the road one evening.

Bear wears a stupa.

In the stupa mixed

There is sugar and nuts

Fruits, chocolates,

Fabulous, sweet.

Through fields, forests

For Sashkas and Marinkas

Bear wears a stupa.

Tupu-tupu- tupu...

There was a man with a bear. They walked from village to village.

The man sang songs and played the dulcimer. And the bear showed how women carry water and how children steal peas. He and the bear lived on it.

- Bless you, Yanka. Won't you let Bear and me stay overnight? - the man asked.

- I don’t mind! Stay overnight, - replied Yanka. - Except that I myself sleep in the hayloft.

- Why?

- The devil is in my house. He brawls so much that it’s unbearable. Believe it or not, he rests on pies. He howls in the chimney. And sometimes at dark nights, something in the fireside glitters like flame. It's scary.

- Ge-uh - said the man. - Not everyone is as unreasonable as your father's children. To make me as well as the bear be afraid of a devil! It has never happened  in the world.

- Then go. Eat some cabbage soup. There's also a pot of stewed turnip in there, so if nothing happens overnight, you'll be something to eat in the morning. And I’m going to the hayloft. When it gets dark, I'm afraid to go inside.

So, the man had a snack, fed Bear and fell asleep on the bench. And the bear lay down for the night near the stove and began to snore.

It was so long ago that there was no potatoes in Belarus. It’s unbelievable. Instead of potatoes, turnips and rutabagas were stewed. So the man slept and was dreaming of a tasty turnips breakfast he would have in the morning.

As soon as night came - the devil was right there. He rolled down the chimney, lifting a whole cloud of soot, and started snooping around in the stove, such a rascal. As they say, as soon as you are outside the threshold, he starts eating the pie. He picked up the lid. It smelled good.

"Yeah, turnips. This is exactly what I need. I love turnips".

But it's dark in the stove, like... in the stove. Then the devil moved the stove-lid, pulled out the pot, sat down with his legs overhanging, and began to eat sweet stewed turnips, and threw the peel down.

"That’s OK, the hostess will sweep the floor tomorrow. Well, she should have something to do, too".

A peel fell on the bear's nose, and he woke up. Licked off his nose - sweet. And the bear began to sniff in the dark, find peeling waste and champ.

The devil heard someone downstairs champing and licking. He knew that there was nobody in the house but a cat. And there was a cat smacking and sniffing, and did not let him, devil, eat someone else's turnips in peace!.

He turned around and kicked the cat with his foot.

- Apsik! Apsik, nasty thing!

Well. And a bear is not a cat. And I never advise you to kick a bear.

The bear got offended. He grabbed the devil in an armful, pulled him off. He crumpled him, ironed him, shook and pounded him with his paws, punched, beat, threshed, twisted him by the horns and thrashed the hell out of him.

The devil  managed to escape from the bear's embrace by miracle. He barely climbed up the chimney, rolled off the roof and rushed away from the house. Into the forest, like a possessed.

And the bear, having made mincemeat out of the devil, fell asleep and slept like a log.

In the morning, everyone woke up and  thought that the bear had been eating turnips. They were surprised that he was not afraid to climb into the hot stove and were happy that he had eaten very little. Well, the bear was not the first or the last in the world to be responsible for other people's sins.

Then everyone finished what was left in the pot. The bear even danced for the children. And they went with the man again from town to town, from village to village. Rain or shine.


Bear wears a stupa.

But since then the devil's tricks suddenly stopped. Horses were healthy, there was no soot in cabbage soup, no one rested on pies. It's true that someone sometimes howled in the chimney, and something glittered out of the stove but it could be endured. Yanka changed his mind to leave his house.

But mind you, this is not the end of the story. Once in autumn, Yanka was ploughing his plot  for winter. It was wet and raining, there were low black clouds. Suddenly he saw, from under the clouds, from the very horizon, someone walking towards him on arable land. He looked closer - yeah, old friend, the devil.

He was walking, all wet, like a puppy in the rainstorm. On each hoof, there was a lot of clay.  A huge drop was hanging under the nose with cold. He had no handkerchiefs. Just like you, sometimes, when you are at home. And you can’t blow your nose with a hoof. He looked so unhappy, so pitiful and wretched that even Yanka felt sorry for him.

- Where are you going?

- So, - said the devil. - Around the world.

They got silent. Then the devil asked:

- Can you tell me if you still have that cat?

Yanka was not a very wise person, and he didn't know what cat he was talking about.

- Of course, I have, - he said. - . And she has six kittens, too.

- Are all of them like their mother?

- Yeah. All motley, with four legs, one tail.

- With paws, with paws, - said the devil. - I remember those paws.

- By God, there are six of them!

- Well, I'll probably never come to you, - the devil sighed. - But should have. I really should have come.

- Why?

- Ao! I buried a copper pot full of gold in your oven. Treasure. And I want to dig it out, but as soon as  I remember your cat - brrrr! - well. Let it be gone.

- Well, if you freeze, come. You can cook turnip, dandle children.

- No-no. I am afraid of cats. And I can’t even think of turnip. I’ve had enough of it.

So he went to the field, in the rain, barely dragging his heavy feet. Such a hapless poor guy.

And Yanka finished his work and went home. And only there did he remember that something in his stove was glittering, and the devil talked about some treasure.

He started digging in the stove - and here you are! - he dug out a huge burnt-out copper pot with gold and money. Like a flame, the light spread  all over the house. It was so bright, so burning, so hot that everyone started to take off their clothes.

The devil still used to come in heavy frosts after that. Just asked for the cat to be locked in the pantry. He cooked cabbage soup for Yanka and dandled the children. From that time on, the proverb goes that "for those who are happy even the devil dandles the children".

Yanka made use of the devil’s treasure by building new houses, barns, hayloft, new stables for himself and the whole neighborhood. He planted the gardens, set up a mill.

All the peasants have forty sons and daughters, forty horses and oxen. And all the houses look like a bell. And in every house there is a basket on the window, in the sun. And in every basket there is a cat. And each cat has six kittens. What a joy!

And so, if you live happily and safely, never tease a bear in the zoo and never throw anything at a cat, not even a handful of soft soil, to say nothing of a stone. After all, once. they did good to you and you feel  nice today. And in general, do not throw anything at anyone and do not tease anyone.

In this case everyone will feel fine on this beautiful land, which lies a little closer than the Sun and a little further than the Moon. People will work, cats will purr, and bears will carry sweet stupas for you and all other children...


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